You must search for the loveliness of America; it is not obvious; it is scattered; but when you find it, it touches you and binds you to it like a great secret oath taken in silence.

— Struthers Burt

  • Date Created: February 26, 1929.

  • Location: Northwestern Wyoming, USA, just south of Yellowstone National Park.

  • Size: Approximately 310,000 acres (125,529 hectares).

This national park is named after a single mountain, Grand Teton measured at 13,770 feet. While mountains dominate the landscape, lakes, meadows and streams provide a haven for animals. Boating and fishing are equally coveted activities to hiking and mountaineering. A number of historic homesteads and churches are scattered throughout the park. I stopped to spend time with a small herd of massive bison chewing on prairie grass (behind a fence of course.) They calmly returned my gaze. I remembered early explorers who wrote  “(bison) covered the entire surface of earth as far as the eye could see” and I felt sad for the decimation of wildlife caused by the human footprint. This park is a majestic wilderness preserve to be treasured.

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