The Everglades have a sinister, beguiling beauty, shadows dark and mysterious, a holocaust of secrets upon secrets upon secrets; and you can’t help but wonder how many layers there are, how many are yet to come.
― Foster Kinn

Date Created: December 6, 1947.
Location: Southern Florida, USA.
Size: Approximately 1.5 million acres (607,028 hectares)
Naturalist Marjory Stoneman Douglas described the Everglades as a “River of Grass.” Shamefully, after thousands of birds were killed for their feathers and alligators were poached almost to extinction conservationist efforts resulted in designation as a protected national park in 1947. Everglades is one of the country’s largest national parks and is recognized as a Wetland of International Importance, International Biosphere Reserve and a World Heritage Site. Even though mosquitoes are a nuisance my impression is that this park is close to paradise. Gorgeous flowers, noisy birds, the farming community shares their huge vegetables and fruit is abundant. A boat tour through the mangroves and marshes provided a close up experience with alligators and waterbirds. As with most desirable areas human encroachment is taking a toll. For now, it is breathtakingly beautiful.